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Apart from the "health hazards" posed by bird droppings, their corrosive effect on equipment can be expensive to remedy. Bird Free Fire Gel offers a practical and economic solution.
As shown here in the picture to the right, the Bird Free Fire Gel installed in dishes on the new unit casing and the surrounding guard rail will stop the problem before it begins!
Bird Free Fire Gel, the 3 way Bird Deterrent
protecting a new air conditioner installation on high rise flats
Here you can see that the area around the base of the unit has been used as the nesting area (Habitat) and has been heavily fouled
...before installing Bird Free gel it`s important to clear the existing bird debris and thoroughly clean the area.
...the Bird Free Fire Gel can then be installed as per the manufacturers recommendations...
For nesting (Habitat) areas, the recommended spacing of the dishes is; 4-6 inches (10-15cm)
...having cleared the top of the unit and railings of bird mess and debris, Bird Free Fire Gel has been deployed to keep the birds from returning.
In this case, because the areas to be protected are very close to the nesting (Habitat) area, they must be considered to be "Semi Habitat" and the Bird Free Gel dishes have therefore been installed close together i.e. 8-10 inches (20-25cm)...
Bird Free Fire Gel, the 3 way Bird Deterrent
...that`s saving Businesses & Governments money
"worldwide" and everyday!
Quick and easy to apply and instantly effective, Bird Free Fire Gel (also sometimes called Bird Free Optical Gel) is now available in handy pre-loaded dishes
click here for our latest On-line prices