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Blogs for December 2021

Christmas Home Security Tips and Advice

Christmas Home Security Tips and Advice

Many of us are looking forward to Christmas, taking a break from work, seeing family and friends and possibly over-indulging a little. But its important to be aware that the Christmas period is a time when opportunist burglars are particularly active and on the lookout for valuable targets. The months of December into January are when UK crime rates reach their peak with anti social behaviour and burglary at their highest rates. In this post we provide some practical security guidance that will help ensure you don’t become a Christmas crime victim.

Thursday 2nd December 2021

Gutter Downpipe Guards for Anti Climb Protection

Gutter Downpipe Guards for Anti Climb Protection

We’ve previously highlighted how the drainpipes on our buildings can often be used by criminals to gain access to upper storey windows. In one recent case a suspected metal thief suffered serious injury after falling 30 feet from a building when the drainpipe he was climbing gave way. In this post we focus on how downpipe guards prevent drainpipes from being climbed - especially by children.

Thursday 9th December 2021

What does a Cashless Future Mean for Retailers and Shoppers

What does a Cashless Future Mean for Retailers and Shoppers

The ongoing COVID pandemic has driven a huge surge in online, digital transactions as people avoid shops and rely on home deliveries to get what they need. This has renewed discussion and speculation over the future of cash and whether a global, cashless economy will emerge any time soon.

Thursday 16th December 2021

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All

There is no doubt that the past year has been enormously challenging and the current surge in Omicron cases is having a heavy impact on Christmas celebrations. We hope that everyone will be able to share the best possible Christmas with the people they love.

Thursday 23rd December 2021

Future of Physical Security

Future of Physical Security

Our world is changing at an incredible pace and the need for security has never been greater. Security strategies and products continuously evolve to meet emerging security challenges and address vulnerabilities. In this post we reflect on some technological innovations and consider what the future is likely to bring.

Thursday 30th December 2021

About insight Security
  • It's easy to order from us and we're easy to contact...
    whether you need help or advice before or after you buy
  • Our proven, tried and tested products do what we say...
    which is why we can offer you a 'NO QUIBBLE GUARANTEE'
  • Fast Reliable Service... your goods will normally be delivered within 1 to 3 working days - call us if you need them urgently!
  • All our products are very competitively priced... but more importantly, we believe they offer you the Very Best Value!

...these are just a few of the reasons that most of our customers buy from us regularly and recommend us to friends and peer groups. So buy now with confidence - and join the thousands of happy customers we have helped over the last 30 years... and remember, if you're not sure what you need, or which solution is best for you, our specialist advisors will be pleased to help. Just call us on 01273 475500.