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When you need to select just one or a few people from a group, items from a batch, or vehicles from a fleet, etc. for special treatment,

...how do you do it without the risk of being accused of; bias, prejudice or favouritism?

The answer is simple ...use a random search selector, sometimes referred to as a Random Search Generator or randomiser, to make the choice

  • Every selection is fair and unbiased
  • Totally random selection every time
  • Defuse the situation ...before it arises

Simply set the percentage of Search or Pass results you want on these clever randomiser units and the Random Search Selector technology will do the rest.

Each time the Search/Pass button is pressed, the clever internal randomisor algorithm will calculate and display a Search or Pass result.

Whilst over a period, the results from the random search generator will reflect the percentage Search result you set, the result from each individual button press is totally unpredictable, so there is absolutely no chance of you being accused of prejudice in your selection - or of picking on individuals!

Many Retailers use the Random Search Selector at the staff exit of their premises as a way of fairly but randomly selecting staff members for searching prior to leaving. This eliminates the need to delay staff by searching everyone, but has helped many companies to significantly reduce stock loss through staff pilferage.

It is also great for reducing stock loss at warehouses, selecting vehicles from a fleet for special checks, choosing an individual delivery (inbound or outbound) for special attention or conformance to manifest, etc.

Random Search Selectors

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