Anti Ram Protection - Solution Finder 005
Why Ram Raid Protection is Needed
Ram raiding is a form of burglary wherein the criminals use a vehicle to ram into the windows or doors of a building in order to gain access. Incidents of ram raiders attacking ATM have also increased over recent years. Thieves have no concern for the damage they cause in pursuit or their goals and the cost to retailers who are victims of ram raid attacks can be astronomical.
How to Protect Against Ram Raiders
- Wherever possible, keep valuable equipment and other items of interest to criminals, out of sight. If a shop has an internal ATM machine it should not be visible from the doors or windows and all external ATM signs should be removed when the shop is closed.
- Make certain all security precautions are up to date and working perfectly. Intruder alarms and CCTV systems provide valuable protection, but only if they are working properly. Routinely inspect and test all security measures.
- Install anti ram security bollards or an anti ram barrier. Anti ram posts and bollards are now available in a variety of designs. High security anti ram bollards are embedded as much as a metre into the ground. Other forms of security bollards and barriers include a variety of decorative designs, rising bollards, rising ramps, lift-out bollards and telescopic posts.
- Security shutters are another way to protect retail premises. External shutters are excellent protection against impulsive, grab and run ram-raids. They also help obscure what’s inside a shop and protect against vandalism.
- Make use of natural or man-made obstacles. Ditches, ponds, shrubs, raised flower beds and heavy duty planters all provide effective barriers against ram raiders.
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