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Strongest Security Chain Guide


Security chains are widely used to reliably secure high value items which can’t be readily locked in place using a standard lock. Motorcycles and bicycles along with plant and machinery are all examples of valuable items increasingly targeted by criminals. Using the right security chain will help prevent these valuables from being stolen. In this post we address some of the common questions often asked about security chains and provide a useful comparison of the high security chains we offer.

Security Chain Questions

Its not surprising to find that people ask many questions about security chains, how secure they are and which is the strongest chain available. Here are just a handful of example questions with answers.

  • What is the strongest security chain?
  • Which is the best security chain?
    • Our strongest security chains provide the highest levels of resistance to attack. The Squire TC22 high security 22mm chain along with the Protector Titan 22mm high security chain are the strongest security chains available from our store. These ultra-tough high security 22mm, hardened steel, motorbike security chains are widely acknowledged to be amongst the best available today. Importantly, these incredible security chains have achieved exceptional Sold Secure ratings.


  • Is there a chain that cannot be cut?
  • What chain cannot be cut with bolt cutters?
  • Can bolt cutters cut through hardened steel?
    • The bottom line is that there is no such thing as a chain which cannot be cut. High strength, industrial, hydraulic bolt croppers will cut through almost anything but this level of industrial tooling isn`t practical for thieves to use. Our high quality, hardened steel security chains with 16mm, 19mm and 22mm chain links, rigorously tested by Sold Secure, are guaranteed to withstand typical bolt cropper attacks and can actually destroy the bolt cropper jaws.

Best Security Chains

High security Sold Secure rated chains offer the best available security protection for motorbikes, ATVs, ride on mowers and other valuable items. These high quality chains are manufactured to meet extremely demanding specifications for the core hardness of the chain links, the surface hardness and the protective finish.

Importantly, a balance must be achieved between the ductility of the metal and the hardness. While an overhardened chain will be more difficult to cut it will also be more susceptible to shattering when subjected to an impact (such as a sledge-hammer attack). And a chain which has higher ductility with lower hardening will be less susceptible to shattering but will be easier to cut. It`s therefore essential to achieve an optimal balance to provide the best security protection.

Top quality high security chains use case-hardening, to protect against sawing attacks, and through-hardening to protect against bolt cropper attacks.

Case hardening is the process that hardens the outer surface of the metal chain links, forming an effective hardened steel case, which can’t be readily sawed, around the metal core. Through hardening increases the hardness and tensile strength of high security chain links. establishing the required strength and resilience against bolt cropper attacks.

Security Chains Compared

Here’s a comparison showing the key attributes of the high security chains we offer from our store.

Link Dimensions mm Sold Secure Rating (SS) Hand Croppable? Suitable for Static Location? Suitable to Carry with you? Weight Guide * (per metre) Chain Types
 22  SS Diamond - motorcycle  No  Yes  No  11.0 kg Protector Chains & Squire Stronghold Chains
 19  SS Gold - motorcycle  No  Yes  No  6.3 kg Protector Chains & Squire Stronghold Chains
16   SS Gold - motorcycle  No  Yes  No  6.0 kg Protector Chains & Squire Stronghold Chains
14   SS Gold - motorcycle  Very Difficult  Yes  Bulk & weight
may be an issue
 3.4 kg Squire Stronghold Chains
13   SS Gold - motorcycle  Very Difficult  Yes  Yes but tight fit
in paniers/box
 2.9 kg Protector Chains
10   SS Gold - Bicycle /
SS Silver - Motor Scooter
 Yes  Yes  Yes  2.1 kg Sterling Chains

* Assumes long link chains(short link chains contain more metal and therefore higher weight).

Recommended High Security Chains

Here are just a few examples of our most popular high security chains, widely used for motorbike security and preventing theft of a variety of high value items. 

22mm High Security Chains

22mm high security chains
22mm High Security Chains

Squire and Protector High Security Chains

squire and protector high security chains
Squire and Protector High Security Chains

Protector 13mm High Security Chain Sold Secure Gold - Motorcycle

protector 13mm security chain
Protector 13mm High Security Chain

If you have any questions about security chains and what you need please remember that we are here to help. Give us a call on 01273 475500 and we’ll provide you with free, expert advice.

This message was added on Thursday 24th June 2021

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